Thursday, June 08, 2006

Absence makes the heart go yonder

Okay, time for an update.

Key update at this point is that late last week Rachel found out for certain that she has been accepted into York University's exchange program! So she was absolutely stoked, and is now 100% definitely going overseas on the 16th of July for 6 months. In the meantime, I'm going to grow a beard and hopefully launch a new fragrance for men called "le odor de tracksuit pant".

Seriously though, it will be good for both of us, as I'll be able to get a lot of stuff done that I've wanted to do this year without spending 90% of my income on spoiling her. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it just seems to be a pattern in my life!

Work has tailed off dramatically, so I'm typically doing a bit less than 40 hours per week at the moment. Although last week I did 55, but that was just an aberration. Tap is great, and I've actually moved up a class because the old one was a bit too easy and I wasn't progressing very much. I'm now in level 5 instead of level 4, and Rachel did level 5 with me this week but I think she's probably going to move up another level next week, as she's a bit too good!

Craig - do you remember my buddy Mad Hatta from Quake? Well that's John, and he's been living in Europe and various places for the last umpteen years, and just sent me an e-mail out of the blue to invite me to his wedding in Ireland in October! I would love to go, and am currently planning it to see if it's feasible. Would be fun because I've never been there, and hey - weddings of friends are always interesting.

That's about it at the moment. A few more things in the pipeline but as they aren't confirmed yet I'll wait until they solidify (ewww, that sounds grose).


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