Monday, March 20, 2006

Busy Week

Work has not eased up at ALL. So I'm flat out working kerrrazy hours as well as trying to prepare for my performances. Anyway, I'm very excited that we have our final dress rehearsal tomorrow night and then start the shows on Wednesday for 4 nights!

I have friends & cow-orkers coming to every show, so there'll always be a (different) friendly face in the audience, which is great! I'm still a little concerned that a couple of the cast members don't have their lines memorised as of our rehearsal on Saturday -- worrying! They're really gonna have to buckle down to get them learnt before Wednesday. But the play is really funny, so I doubt the audience will notice.

I'm also dead keen on one of the girls in our tap crew (who is from the class above me)... her name is Rachel and she is just such an awesome dancer! Fingers crossed that she gets dizzy from all the lights and accidentally falls into my arms. Either that or I'll hit her on the head - whichever comes first.

Project Implementation date is only two and a half weeks away now, so gotta keep burning the midnight oil.

In the meantime, read this. The term 'evaluate my meat' is now firmly entrenched in my vocabulary, and shall be liberally used henceforth whenever being medically examined. What a classic.


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